Friday, June 20, 2008

It's a BOY!

Hey guys-

My dear friend and co-worker Ashley and her husband Corey are expecting their first child, and they found out yesterday that its a boy!!! We are all so excited for them... and we all went shopping for blue and boy things. I got the little dude a blue duck. And the shower shall come and there will be more of the buying and shopping for the little guy. Gosh, I feel like I'm an aunt! She and Corey live down the street from me, and I am so happy for them both! Congrats guys!

Yeah, so I was online finding cute baby stock pics... we were all teasing her

that there were gonna be two babies when they went in to see what it was, so I thought this pic was cute.

So, things have been fun around the office. Many conversations about baby things, and pregnant know.
Well, I don't have any new news...all pretty much trucking along. I just wanted to post about Ash and her news. And yes, I did ask first! This kind of thing makes me think about my own future kids. I love my big family, and I think that I want a lot of kids. People are in shock when I say that I'm one of 6, but it's really not that bad. By the time you have four, you have to get a mini van and get rid of the 5-passenger car. After five kids, you need a 10-12 passenger, because the whole family can't go anywhere together. It's really nice having so many siblings...but I think I would like to have boys. Girls are so emotional! With 5 in my family, it is like insane! I don't want all boys, but mosly boys would be nice. And they'll all have fun names like Finn, Jaden, Landon, and others like that. My mom is so funny when we talk about names. I'll say I like it just as she's saying how much she hates it! Well, we are very different in a lot of ways, and very much alike in some ways too.

Yeah...It's almost the weekend. YAY! Right now, I'm at work and there is nothing going on. Kristy, Rebecca, and Ashley M all gave me a graduation gift today! I was excited because it's a bag of goodies: apple green nail polish and earrings, a bag *gasp*, and a wonderful smelling candle. They know me well. :-) Blessings!