Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Summer is Here!

Summer...Ahhh. I love it always, but even more now that I don't have school. Oh man, I'm lovin' it! I love the things you do in the summer: swim, read so much your eyes cross, take evening walks with plenty of Off, getting together with friends for days on end, volleyball and ice cream galore! Yay! And this week is the 4th of July...I hope you all enjoy your weekend. I am going to see my grandmother on the coast. She is very sick, and we never know if this visit will be the last. Mom, Aimee, and Savvy are all going to our church youth camp. That should be exciting. I will miss them all.
Daniel practice was last night- it is all coming together nicely. God is so good to us, and his hand is on this production. We still have 4 or 5 songs that need to be written, but I am close to being done with choreography. I have to doi a hoe-down, thriller, m.c. hammer, and a tamptations number, and we're done! Yay!
Well, my dear friends, I must go-I'm @ work *shhh!* and I have stuff to do here. Love ya!