Friday, June 20, 2008

It's a BOY!

Hey guys-

My dear friend and co-worker Ashley and her husband Corey are expecting their first child, and they found out yesterday that its a boy!!! We are all so excited for them... and we all went shopping for blue and boy things. I got the little dude a blue duck. And the shower shall come and there will be more of the buying and shopping for the little guy. Gosh, I feel like I'm an aunt! She and Corey live down the street from me, and I am so happy for them both! Congrats guys!

Yeah, so I was online finding cute baby stock pics... we were all teasing her

that there were gonna be two babies when they went in to see what it was, so I thought this pic was cute.

So, things have been fun around the office. Many conversations about baby things, and pregnant know.
Well, I don't have any new news...all pretty much trucking along. I just wanted to post about Ash and her news. And yes, I did ask first! This kind of thing makes me think about my own future kids. I love my big family, and I think that I want a lot of kids. People are in shock when I say that I'm one of 6, but it's really not that bad. By the time you have four, you have to get a mini van and get rid of the 5-passenger car. After five kids, you need a 10-12 passenger, because the whole family can't go anywhere together. It's really nice having so many siblings...but I think I would like to have boys. Girls are so emotional! With 5 in my family, it is like insane! I don't want all boys, but mosly boys would be nice. And they'll all have fun names like Finn, Jaden, Landon, and others like that. My mom is so funny when we talk about names. I'll say I like it just as she's saying how much she hates it! Well, we are very different in a lot of ways, and very much alike in some ways too.

Yeah...It's almost the weekend. YAY! Right now, I'm at work and there is nothing going on. Kristy, Rebecca, and Ashley M all gave me a graduation gift today! I was excited because it's a bag of goodies: apple green nail polish and earrings, a bag *gasp*, and a wonderful smelling candle. They know me well. :-) Blessings!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Prayer and the Firey Furnace

So, life barrells on. Daniel rehearsals are going very well. We only have a few weeks, but things are progressing rapidly, and there is an energy that wasn't there before. Last night we worked on the firey furnace dance. The dance is modeled after some Indian dancing that I saw in a Bollywood movie called Devdas. I wouldn't recommend it, but the costumes and dancing are fantastic! The story is much like a soap opera, and ended with the male lead's death. Kinda' depressing, but it is a traditional Indian tale...whatever. Some of the dance is modern, some of it is ballet, but all of it is going to be AMAZING! And it is so amazing to see how God works. I went to rehearsal last night having a pretty vague idea of what I wanted to do, and while they were singing and polishing stuff vocally, I went to another room. I prayed that God would give me what HE wanted, and I started coming up with stuff. I was telling Carrie, a dear friend and fellow CYTer, last night how whenever I come ready and prideful in what I did for choreography, it never works as well as I want. But when I let God work in and through me, He is glorified, and it is a much easier process.
I would like for you all to pray with me- I have been having violent migraines lately, and they've become more and more frequent of late. I went to the doctor yesterday, and he gave me emergency medicine. I am scheduling an MRI to see if it is something more than a headache. Please pray that they are simply headaches and that there isn't something bigger that is wrong. And if there is something wrong, that they would be able to find it and that God would give discernment to the doctors. I have had three really bad ones since last Tuesday, and the medicine you can only take 9 per month. It is all a little scary. I just have to trust that God has a plan for all this and that the solution will work out according to His time and will glorify Him and be best for me. I know this is my furnace- and I also know that God is in there with me! Please pray for strength. They are very painful and they are hard to shake. I am planning on easing into a vegetarian diet and exercising more. We think that will at least, I might lose weight! An added bonus.
Anyways...peace out. And stay hydrated. It's hot out! :-)

Monday, June 9, 2008

Class of 2008!

Guys, guess what?!
I'm done with high school!!!! YAY!!! Whew, I am soooo excited about that! My ceremony was on Saturday. It was nice and quiet. There were only three of us, but it was good. Short and sweet. Cait's new blog has some pics of the was quite exciting.
So, this means a new chapter in my life. Like NOT having to come home from work and do school! And not having tests and not doing late nights for school. YAY! Don't get me wrong, there were some good times in high school- I loved my writing classes with Ms. Rachel, and that bible course we took at the church with Mr. Martin where we went through Bible Doctrine. It was a really good class. And biology class as a freshman with Mrs. Price! That was really fun! Especially when we disected things...a frog, a shark. The pig was a little less than exciting, but the boys loved it. One guy decided when we started disecting things to see how much he could mutilate things, just to gross us girls out...he totally scored on that one! We were all groaning and being girly girls. But it was some fun times. That was one of the very few times that the girls were outnumbered by guys. The reading out loud and history lessons with Mom were fun times too. Thanks Mom, for all you did in schooling me...I appreicate all your work and effort. Love you!
Thanks to all my friends for their encouragement and help when I needed someone to talk to. You guys are the best!
Well, here's to being out of high school!!! :-) Yeah class of '08!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Na Part 2-Mark Dever

Here we are, beginning another week.

So, I said I was going to post about the messages! Here we go with sermon 2, Mark Dever on The Authority of Scripture.

He began with asking questions about the Bible and addressing critics of the Bible. Now, he is able to address these people in a scholarly way- this man has degrees from more than 5 colleges and he is very knowledgable about a great many topics. Let me see...he also addressed the fact that there are many more archaelogical evidences that the Bible's events actually happened then there are for evolution and even those atheists that don't believe in anything. Dever stated that he had believed that there was some creative power behind the universe, that we didn't just come out of the soup and also that there was a god period, but he needed to some proof. There's a word that describes that kind of belief, but it has escaped me.

It was really cool what he said about his studies of ancient literature- all other ancient manuscripts don't have as many copies, let alone copies that are all the same.

Another thing that he said that was really powerful was this- "Just because I don't know everything doesn't mean I don't know anything!" This is empowering for me when I trip into a deep theological pool that I have a skilled oppenent in- I believe that the Bible is true and even if you know more about it than I do, I still know enough to know the truth! He said we needed to treat the Bible as Christ treated it- as the very Word of God; and that we know Him because He wants us to know Him. The Word must reshape our lives, in order for us to live life like He calls us to.

These are the questions he put to us and some that I asked myself:

~What use will I make of the Bible?
~How will I apply it to my life?
~Am I looking somewhere else for my authority and guide?

~Is God's Word my delight?

I hope this has been some food for thought. I highly recomend listening to his message, which you can find here. The other messages from the conference are there as well.