Thursday, February 28, 2008

Opening Nite!

Hey all!

I just wanted to say that I am JACKED about Through the Looking Glass! We open tonight! I am so excited...God is so good to us. Everyone got onstage last night from my side and they all looked fantastic. I love this little rag-tag bunch of kiddies. They are fun and very trying when they are asked to be quiet...Pray for us tonight!



Friday, February 22, 2008

The Heart of a King...

So, I said that I would be praying about these posts- well, almost as soon as I had done so in my devotions yesterday morning, God gives me about the next few posts in one morning's reading! He is so good.
I was reading in Proverbs and I came upon a verse that has fascinated me every time I read it.
The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will-Proverbs 21:1 I don't know how you read this, but it is very special to my heart. Our glorious God, who Sovereignly spoke the earth and galaxies into existence, and made us in His image, guides the hearts of the leaders of our world! How comforting it is to me that my best Friend, the God who saved me from my eternal punishment, is leading those who lead me. The first authority that comes to mind is my father. The two of us have had a bit of an ongoing argument over the past few months...let's just say, it was over a rather trivial thing, but I didn't want to let it go. My sinful, headstrong self rose up and demanded to be heeded- only Dad wasn't on the bandwagon. So, as I searched my heart (with much prompting from mom and the Holy Spirit) and realized that I didn't want to sacrifice my relationship with my dad, the authority in my life, to my selfish desires. A good decision, I think. All that to say, God showed me that my dad is the king in my life- and that God is guiding my dad and his decisions as surely as He guides the streams and rivers. That is a great comfort, once I got over the fact that sometimes, the guiding might not be in the direction that I want at that time.
As to the pic of the piano, it brought to mind the love of my life: CYT! I am so blessed that God is allowing me to be a part of it all...I love working with the kids and especially Ms. Natalie. It is the joy of my week...I am stage managing for the upcoming play. Please pray for endurance and strength for the crew...the kids are darling, but it can get trying after a little while. God is testing my perseverance. But I do love the is a lot of fun.
Blessing to all,

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Why Follow the Herd?

Well, this is a very exciting thing- a blog! Cait had one, and I just couldn't stand it. I had to have one. I am excited about this new thing, and I hope to encourage and uplift with this and future posts.
The name of my blog is simply put, the story of my life. I found this ad in a magazine that had a giraffe with a classy handbag and a silk scarf- and it said "Why follow the herd?" This was promptly cut out and stuck to my door. It has since gone through three moves and yet still remains important to me. It means much more to me than the simple rule of fashion that I generally follow- it is a way of life that we are called to by our Creator.
Romans 12.2 says
"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."
To me, this means that the world is not what we are supposed to be following. And even though the giraffe with a scarf might seem silly, it represents this command from God's Word. The Lord has been convicting me about being in the world, but not of it. Another scripture comes to mind:
"They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world." (John 17:16) We are in it, and not of it- a very encouraging thing, if you look around at all the chaos and sin that resides in this fallen world. God has saved us and we now strive toward the day that we will see Him face to face, and no longer be "in the world".

Thanks for stopping by! Please keep Ms. Natalie Snapp and cast of "Through the Looking Glass" in your prayers- some are sick, and we all need strength for the play next weekend. Please visit for showtimes and dates. The play will be held at Triangle Community Church in Cary, NC. Come and join us!